Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Radin-Michael-A-Designing:
Designing Online Teaching & Learning Environment: An Innovative Approach , This book first presents the evolution of education, from traditional face-to-face to the current remote and online education and its various iterations. The author shares experiences and insights on the most effective teaching techniques in both environments, some recent approaches, and highlights where there is need for continued improvement. Educators are provided with practical suggestions and examples to aid them in the design, promotion, and teaching of online courses worldwide. Topics include applying student and colleague feedback to improve teaching skills in an online setting; benefits of teaching, learning, and working in an online environment; and contrasts between synchronous and asynchronous modes of online instruction, among others. The ultimate goal is to promote accessible and equitable online education for all, regardless of the pandemics or political unrest. The reader is invited on a hands-on journey to discover the potential of the online educational experience, with thought-provoking questions to encourage reflection and growth along the way. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 68.73 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Designing Online Teaching & Learning Environment: An Innovative Approach , This book first presents the evolution of education, from traditional face-to-face to the current remote and online education and its various iterations. The author shares experiences and insights on the most effective teaching techniques in both environments, some recent approaches, and highlights where there is need for continued improvement. Educators are provided with practical suggestions and examples to aid them in the design, promotion, and teaching of online courses worldwide. Topics include applying student and colleague feedback to improve teaching skills in an online setting; benefits of teaching, learning, and working in an online environment; and contrasts between synchronous and asynchronous modes of online instruction, among others. The ultimate goal is to promote accessible and equitable online education for all, regardless of the pandemics or political unrest. The reader is invited on a hands-on journey to discover the potential of the online educational experience, with thought-provoking questions to encourage reflection and growth along the way. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 105.59 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Radin, Michael A: International & Multidisciplinary Pedagogy: Discoveries, Innovations, Challenges & Successes
International & Multidisciplinary Pedagogy: Discoveries, Innovations, Challenges & Successes , The book's primary objectives are to welcome you to the abundant and meaningful international and multidisciplinary education discovery journey. You will grow from exposure to other cultures and their practices and I daresay, become better teachers in your local as well as on-line environments. Most every local classroom is multi-cultural as well. The students have different backgrounds and different ways of internalizing information meaningfully. The book will provide practical examples how to design, promote and teach various courses and seminars abroad. Examples are those the author experienced with a specific pedagogical idea that is successful in one system, however, the same concept may face unexpected challenges or fail in another system. Most importantly, the book will focus on applying feedback as vital tools that will guide us to the designing, promoting and teaching mathematics and multidisciplinary courses and seminars. The book's most important goal is to make international and multidisciplinary education accessible to everyone. The book will compare several educational systems as well as their similarities and differences. These include different teaching and learning styles, students' preparation levels, and students' interests and value orientations. The goal is to inspire you to embark on your own innovative discovery journey, seek out multi-cultural and international teaching opportunities and to effectively reach, effectively communicate information and help students learn. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 90.19 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Radin, Michael A: International & Multidisciplinary Pedagogy: Discoveries, Innovations, Challenges & Successes
International & Multidisciplinary Pedagogy: Discoveries, Innovations, Challenges & Successes , The book's primary objectives are to welcome you to the abundant and meaningful international and multidisciplinary education discovery journey. You will grow from exposure to other cultures and their practices and I daresay, become better teachers in your local as well as on-line environments. Most every local classroom is multi-cultural as well. The students have different backgrounds and different ways of internalizing information meaningfully. The book will provide practical examples how to design, promote and teach various courses and seminars abroad. Examples are those the author experienced with a specific pedagogical idea that is successful in one system, however, the same concept may face unexpected challenges or fail in another system. Most importantly, the book will focus on applying feedback as vital tools that will guide us to the designing, promoting and teaching mathematics and multidisciplinary courses and seminars. The book's most important goal is to make international and multidisciplinary education accessible to everyone. The book will compare several educational systems as well as their similarities and differences. These include different teaching and learning styles, students' preparation levels, and students' interests and value orientations. The goal is to inspire you to embark on your own innovative discovery journey, seek out multi-cultural and international teaching opportunities and to effectively reach, effectively communicate information and help students learn. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 53.43 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Radin, Michael A: Difference Equations for Scientists and Engineering: Interdisciplinary Difference Equations
Difference Equations for Scientists and Engineering: Interdisciplinary Difference Equations , We introduce interdisciplinary research and get students and the audience familiarized with the difference equations; solving them explicitly, determining the long-term behavior of solutions (convergence, boundedness and periodicity). We help to develop intuition in analyzing convergence of solutions in terms of subsequences and analyzing patterns of periodic cycles. Our book helps you learn applications in biology, economics and business, computer science and engineering. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 141.21 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Radin, Michael A: Difference Equations for Scientists and Engineering: Interdisciplinary Difference Equations
Difference Equations for Scientists and Engineering: Interdisciplinary Difference Equations , We introduce interdisciplinary research and get students and the audience familiarized with the difference equations; solving them explicitly, determining the long-term behavior of solutions (convergence, boundedness and periodicity). We help to develop intuition in analyzing convergence of solutions in terms of subsequences and analyzing patterns of periodic cycles. Our book helps you learn applications in biology, economics and business, computer science and engineering. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 84.97 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Slawomir Wycislak, Michael A Radin: The Fundamentals of Systems Thinking, Management & Effective Leadership
The Fundamentals of Systems Thinking, Management & Effective Leadership , This comprehensive book intricately weaves together the disciplines of systems thinking, management, educational leadership, complexity science, and diversity. Unique in its approach, it bridges theoretical concepts with real-world applications providing educators, managers, and leaders with practical tools and strategies for implementing systems thinking in diverse educational and managerial contexts. This book is particularly valuable for those interested in emergent learning, future planning, and decision-making processes. Designed for a broad audience, this book is an ideal resource for those seeking to enhance their strategic thinking and decision-making skills in dynamic and diverse environments. Readers will find a thoughtful blend of theory and practice, with each chapter presenting examples and case studies that demonstrate the application of systems thinking in various scenarios. Whether you are an educator seeking innovative approaches to teaching and curriculum development, a manager looking to foster a more inclusive and systemic approach in your organization, or a leader navigating complex challenges, this book offers you valuable insights and guidance. It stands as a testament to the power of interdisciplinary thought and the importance of integrating diversity and complexity into management and educational practices. , >
Preis: 83.26 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Slawomir Wycislak, Michael A Radin: The Fundamentals of Systems Thinking, Management & Effective Leadership
The Fundamentals of Systems Thinking, Management & Effective Leadership , This comprehensive book intricately weaves together the disciplines of systems thinking, management, educational leadership, complexity science, and diversity. Unique in its approach, it bridges theoretical concepts with real-world applications providing educators, managers, and leaders with practical tools and strategies for implementing systems thinking in diverse educational and managerial contexts. This book is particularly valuable for those interested in emergent learning, future planning, and decision-making processes. Designed for a broad audience, this book is an ideal resource for those seeking to enhance their strategic thinking and decision-making skills in dynamic and diverse environments. Readers will find a thoughtful blend of theory and practice, with each chapter presenting examples and case studies that demonstrate the application of systems thinking in various scenarios. Whether you are an educator seeking innovative approaches to teaching and curriculum development, a manager looking to foster a more inclusive and systemic approach in your organization, or a leader navigating complex challenges, this book offers you valuable insights and guidance. It stands as a testament to the power of interdisciplinary thought and the importance of integrating diversity and complexity into management and educational practices. , >
Preis: 130.09 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Designing Successful e Learning , This book describes instructors with a holistic way of thinking about learners, learning, and online course design. This book provides strategies for approaching the learning experience from an integrative perspective for both experienced online instructors and those new to online course design The focus of this book is on the learners and the design of their online learning experiences. This is an invaluable book for anyone wanting to make an impact with their learning design and ensure knowledge, skills and performance improvement. , >
Preis: 159.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Michael Jackson.
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Lebt Michael Jackson noch?
Nein, Michael Jackson ist am 25. Juni 2009 verstorben. Es gibt keine glaubwürdigen Berichte oder Beweise, die darauf hindeuten, dass er noch lebt.
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